Fancy Redirect


Fancy Redirect is a simple URL shortener service I wrote mainly because I got tired of other ones lacking. I have one pretty basic requirement of a URL shortener service, shorten my URL. Several of the ones I’ve come across over the years have done that, but most of them want me to create an account, show me a ton of ads, or restrict my usage based on IP because I already created a few this month. So, I made one to bypass all of that bullshit.

Introducing Fancy Redirect

You’ll find the service by visiting

On it you will have two functions, shorten a URL, and show the original URL from the shortened one. That’s it. It stores the original URL so that if you enter the same one again it will give you the same shortened URL.

Nothing more fancy to it actually, it just works. It won’t restrict you pr. month or whatever, it won’t ask you to create an account, and it won’t show you ads. The only restriction I’ve built into it that the underlying API only allows 1 request pr. 2 seconds from the same source, which I find an acceptable restriction.

API Access

You don’t need an account or anything like that to access the API since the website use the same API.

It’s as easy as doing a GET request to

To view the full API doc, go to GitHub.

Source Code

The source code can be found on my GitHub repo. It’s released under the MIT license, which is basically do what ever you’d like with the source code.